The Three-Berry Academy by Joseph Helgerson is a whimsical fantasy story for young readers. Born and raised along the Mississippi River, Helgeson is familiar with his setting and weaves river lore expertly into his storytelling. Each chapter features a new character profile, as readers gradually meet the river trolls who will attend Three-Berry Academy where Ms. Quiet Quickthorn guarantees that everyone graduates. The trick is that she has to snare her students first.

Each year Ms. Quickthorn—who is known by some to “suck the fun out of a juicy clam without even opening her mouth” (167)—sets traps to entice the river trolls back to the classroom. Playing on their temptations and pleasures, she lures them in with irresistible bait.

Young readers will likely relate to the students’ insecurities about such issues as appearance, ability, and making friends. Other concerns include learning styles, attention spans, social conventions, and idiosyncrasies related to interests and habits.

While the majority of the characters will feel relevant, perhaps the one most relatable will be Iffy Fishfly who fears making mistakes. From Grandfather and her uncles, Iffy learns how mistake-making is connected to learning and to having new experiences. Each chapter carries a similar teachable moment laced with humor. Older readers will ferret out the idioms, puns, and irony.

  • Donna

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